January 2025 – a “9” year.
In numerology, 2025 is a 9 Universal Year (2+0+2+5 = 9). The energy of a 9 year is one of completion, transformation, and preparation for new beginnings. It’s the final number in the 1-9 cycle, symbolizing endings and opportunities to release what no longer serves you.
2025 is about completion and closure. It’s time to tie up loose ends and bring some closure to unfinished business. A time to reflect on the past and release old patterns relationships or circumstances that no longer align with your growth. 9 carries with it the energy of compassion, generosity and service to humanity. You may find that your focus shifts to global issues that support the greater good.
You may feel a stronger connection to your inner self or desire to deepen your understanding of life’s purpose in this spiritual ending of the cycle.
In 2025 you may find yourself in a position to be able to let go of past wounds or limiting beliefs, clearing the way for a fresh start in 2026 which is a year of new beginnings.
2025 is a good year to reflect and and release as you declutter both your environment and your mind, letting go of the past and trusting in the future. it’s a year to honor what has been released and embrace the wisdom gained along the way.
But let’s get a bit more personal
Add your Month and Day of Birth to the New Year.
For example I was born on the 8th day of the 4th month. Add 8+4+2+2+5= 21 -> 2+1 There is a creative child of numbers 1 and 2 =My year number 3. Looking at the chart below, this is my year to Lighten up with humor, creativity and enthusiasm. ‘Bout time I’d say!
Find Your Year number below

1 is the number of creation, the primal force of the cosmos, the energy for creating and producing. One leads change with determination. One is unwavering and at times this “stubbornness” is its downfall. When you are in a One situation, it’s the time to go ahead and pursue your dreams with steadfastness.

2 is the gentle, female, tactful, forgiving and healing number, balancing One’s straightforwardness. Two has the ability to bend but not break under pressure, with the resilience to return to her natural skills of patience, intuition and wisdom when the pressure is removed. A Two year asks you to be flexible, to “bend but not break” and to have the patience and trust to work through the situation without resorting to jealousy, anger or fear.

3 is the creative child of numbers One and Two. 3 gives you the extra energy of extroversion, expression, imagination and visioning. Expression of these is through humor and a “lightheartedness” that attracts othesr to you. When 3 is your focus, go ahead and “sew your wild oats” in as many different areas that you can – knowing that you will receive support for the time being.

A 4 is a year of dependability, productivity and accomplishment. It is the time for setting realistic goals and pursuing them with effort and control. In a 4 period, settle down and get comfortable. Don’t strive for earth shaking strategies. Put your head down and one foot in front of the other to accomplish what’s before you at this time.

Think of a five sided box tumbling down a hill. That’s the number 5. A daring mixture of masculine and feminine, with a touch of adventurer and independence. Time to explore all options and full steam ahead! A 5 year is a time of freedom in thought and action. It is a time to explore all possibilities, to stretch to new horizons, to test out new things. With a good sense of humor, 5 can be a really renewing time!

Even more than three, 6 is the energy of caring, healing, protecting and teaching others. It is the glue that keeps the world creating together. In a 6 year, when your responsibility and caring to move forward, allow others to move at their own pace also. Use this time to teach and guide, respect others space but don’t demand, just care.

7 is the number of Truth – at least the number of seeking, searching for and thinking about Truth. 7 is a time for introversion, for looking within and finding the meaning to one’s own life. 7 is a mystical number – 7 notes, 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 energy chakras, 7 Rays of Light. When you are in a 7 time it is a perfect opportunity to pay attention to the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of your life. What is the meaning, the Truth of your Life? Why are you here? What is your Purpose? A 7 time gives you the energy to explore and even to find some answers to these questions.

Turn the number 8 on its side and you have the symbol for infinity. Trace the number and you find no beginning and no end. Each “side” arises out of the opposite side. And each side is in perfect balance with the other. An 8 year allows us to seek balance in our lives. Too much work – seek fun and re-creation. Too much fun and little money – seek ways to attract money into your life by finding the work you enjoy and doing it. Understanding that “what comes around, goes around, and comes around again” allows us to play with this adventure we call Life. Want more money – go get it. Want more health – allow it to come. Enjoy this time of balance and movement.

9 has some wonderful mathematical properties unknown to other numbers (one example – multiply any number by 9, then reduce it and add the numbers and you will always get 9 back. 8×9=72 – 7+2=9). 9 is the energy of living in the global world and understanding our connection to all things. Because of this connection, 9 is spiritual energy – understanding that we are actually all One. 9 Completes this circle back to one. When you are in a 9 time, look towards a completion or finality to an aspect of your life. This completion is necessary to transform into new beginnings represented by the number One. If you don’t fight the completion, you will move smoothly into the new beginnings awaiting you!
