A labyrinth is a magical single path maze. A maze has many paths and is essentially a left-brain puzzle. A labyrinth is a right-brain intuition and creativity enhancer. Let the labyrinth answer your questions and bring you peace.

Here is a fun, “hand drawn” finger labyrinth. Walk it with your curser or print out this page and walk it with your finger. The numbers and colors represent the 7 chakras of the body. In walking a labyrinth, you actually begin on the 3rd chakra (yellow), the solar plexus, “I think” . Then your proceed to the 2nd, pelvic chakra (orange), “I feel”. Your next path is the 1st chakra (red), “I am”. Then on to the 4th charka (green), “I love”, the 7th chakra (indigo), “I am more!”, the 6th chakra (violet), “I see”, the 5th chakra (blue), “I speak” and finally to the center (pink), “I listen”.
Print this page out and use the space below to draw your own labyrinth!
Draw a cross
Now draw an “L” in each of the 4 quadrants
and place a dot at each angle of the “L”
Place your pencil at the top of the cross, and draw a curve connecting the next line to the right.
Now move to the top of the next line on the left, and connect it to the next dot on the right.
Continue connecting each line and dot, always moving from top left to next on right.
More Tid-bits about Labyrinths
Read and enjoy!
LABYRINTHS: The universal mystical meaning
of the labyrinth form is as a symbol for the journey into the
world of spirit and the return, a leaving of one state and a
rebirth into another.
The Classical Seven-path Labyrinth is not
a maze within which to get lost, but rather a single winding
pathway in and out again.
Labyrinths are known as sacred gateways
and have been found at ancient sites around the world. Often
found at the center of subtle earth energies these temples
enhance, balance, and regenerate both the auric field and the
Earth itself.
Labyrinths have been associated with
ancient pilgrimage routes and rituals of self-discovery. They
were worn as a form of protection and ornamentation and were
often carved on doorways to bless a dwelling.
Labyrinths are time windows, portals where
time stands still. They confirm our unity with the cosmos, awaken
our vital force, and elevate our consciousness. They are known to
facilitate altered states of consciousness and have parallels
with reincarnation, initiation, prosperity, and fertility
The Classical Seven-path Labyrinth
resonates with the vibration of “seven” and has a
direct correlation with the primary Chakras, Tones in the scale,
and colors of the rainbow. It is believed that the action of
“dancing” a labyrinth magically activates its inherit
The Labyrinth is equated with the brain,
and many cultures believe that the Labyrinth could cure illness.
The action of moving through the Labyrinth produces a sense of
well-being and balance through a type of vestibular stimulation,
accessing both left and right hemispheres of the
The traveler Weary from the
On the journey of spirit…
the journey of mind…
the journey of soul…
The labyrinth
Refreshes his heart…
Breathes life into his being…
Sated –
but only for a brief time..
as the journey…
ever onward..
begins anew.
Thank your for
the peace of spirit, heart, mind, and soul you preserve for
DA Cincinnati, Ohio
(written in our
labyrinth register, 1998)
Selected comments from Labyrinth Register.
Beautiful place – gently water sounding – What a wonderful book of affirmations for this park. I will say thank you like so many here before me – Susan.
Time of dark, draw us deep within our inner Truth. Into the diamond purity of our innocence. May the 8th gate of 11:11 draw us ever more deeply into the River of Love and finally to the One Source of All.
Thank you for sharing your space with us. We came from Baton Rouge and Atlanta to experience your sacred place. Now we will carry this energy to others. Glenda.
I’ve never walked a labyrinth of moss – such gentleness, such care. The bees, hungry, everywhere. The flowers, producing. The water flowing. Our lives and loves unfolding. Our deepest selves, honored here. Thank you. P.F.
A calming and peaceful experience. I smiled nonstop! I appreciate the sharing of such a lovely place. Katharine
Hi, my name is Amanda. This is my first time here. it was great. I loved every thing very peaceful. Love the sound of water.
Today I brought my younger children and one of their friends. They bring so much life energy it is often difficult to stop and reflect, but this is oan ideal place to do so! Blessings to all who come to this place seeking wisdom and serenity. Mother Earth needs us! Retia.
With every step I felt this burden of my human body dissipate as my spirit was filled with the blessings of God. Thank you
I did a prayer walk in the Labyrinth, blessing myself and everyone I could think of. I prayed for true love and I felt sweet peace here. The wind whispered her answer… Yes, my prayers were heard here. To the caretakers of this place, may you be blessed! Lauren
Pondering the mystery of the Resurrection, I look around me and see resurrection every where. All of nature is coming to life again. So may it be for everyone who comes here. from Asheville
I arrived here full of anger towards my daughter. Halfway on, I saw the pink quartz stone lying on the “patience” rock, and held it until I returned. I feel much calmer now and enriched in spirit. ready to go back and face my obstacles with grace and love. Thank you for a gentle respite. Elyse
Blessed Be to this magical space – receiving my love and returning me to me self my family my world – my niece was born this morning at dawn and I joyously celebrate her birth and the birth of this new beginning – welcome Dannella.
walked alone, but really with many. Thank you for sharing. Christy
We have been coming here for many years (anniversaries, valentines day, etc). Today we brought our granddaughters for the first time. They love it. Thank you for this. Bill & Becky.
Dear Jill and Charlie, We found a winged messenger – he is a fly. We also found a amethyst. This is such a beautiful place! Thank you for making such a wonderful place for everybody to share. Signed, Marissa (& Mama)
Enjoyed our wedding here. It was peaceful and thank you for letting us have it here. We will be back.
The peace that hath come shall dwell within my mind and ot its work within my breast. My thanks for all, and to all. I shall never forget the cool breeze that caressed me upon my entrance, or the resolution gifted me upon my exit. Carley, Greensboro, NC
The peace and tranquility of this place will linger with me for the weeks and months until I find my way home again. Lisa.
Once again I return to feel the peace and beauty of this place. The waterfalls are so healing and soothing, its like coming home. Thank you for sharing this beauty with all who come here. Sara
I love the mountains- was born and raised here – lived away many years. They always call me back. Here today to pray and ask God for direction and courage as I step into an unknown and unsure future (something we all share – some just don’t know it!). Thank you for a beautiful place to retreat. Lee
This is my first time here, but not my last. It si good to have this special, peaceful, labyrinth and garden to explore in peace and healing. Thank you so much for taking your time and energies to create it, and for the love in your hearts in opening this beautiful place for the public to to joy. Love and Light, Carolyn.
Thank you so much! Our journey continues to amaze and inspire us. Mark & Sandy
Found a 4 leaf clover in the rain – maybe there is hope –
We came, we walked the labyrinth and rang the bell. We strolled into the fairy forest and we entered the most ethereal place on earth. When life gets tough, we can close our eyes and be back there in our thoughts. We came with expectations of feeling something…we carried away peace and tranquility. Peggy – Mineral Bluff, GA & Jill of Franklin.
From Kennesaw, GA. Found out about this place last nite & woke up this morning with the need to come here laid upon my heart. Beautiful. Brian
Once, upon a rainy night, four friends visited the wonders of the labyrinth. Upon arriving we enjoyed the park. 3 came for the first time. With love for this magickal place in my heart, Blessed Be – Kathryn
As I stood on peace and kindness and joy and have I thanked her for being my friend, and remembered her love and dedication to truth, beauty, animals and her openness to path of spirit – her comes the wind – I love you! Fly Free Girl
In memory of Carole McAvoy – We did a walk today hand in hand – I range the bell so did she. I observed, as did she. I spoke a quiet prayer, and felt her smile thru the wind.