Mountain Valley Center

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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

2018 Otto Labyrinth Park Gatherings

The first Gathering at the Otto Labyrinth Park was in the Summer of 1998. We had just completed building the Labyrinth, and 5 of us Gathered to walk it, build a fire, drum and sing. Over the past 20 years we have offered Gatherings throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall. Sometimes 5 people attend, other times 60 people come. Always the perfect number for the Energy that’s needed at the time.Gathering at the Otto Labyrinth Park

This year we return to our roots -the original Labyrinth Gathering We will meet at 7 pm at the Labyrinth. A brief visit to the Faerie Forest starts the Gathering, followed by a group walk Gathering at the Otto Labyrinth Parkto the Center of the Labyrinth. At the center a guided meditation allows us to lift our Energy in service of the World as well as ourselves. We then walk out to sit around the fire, drumming, talking and sharing as the night approaches and the moon comes out.

Gatherings are always Free. We do appreciate any love offerings you make to support the maintenance of the Park.

So plan to join us this year. What the world needs now is the Energy of Peace and Renewal. We are pleased to offer a place to connect throughout the years.

2018 Labyrinth Gathering Schedule

Saturdays, 7-9 pm

Note: Gatherings are held on the Saturday closest to the Full Moon

May 26~ Flower, Milk or Dyad Moon – Flowers come into full bloom and corn is ready to plant. Actual Full Moon Date is May 29th

June 30 ~ Mead or Strawberry Moon – In late June the  meadows, or meads, were ready to be mowed for hay.  Also called The Strawberry Moon, as Strawberry picking season reaches its peak during this time. Actual Full Moon Date is June 28th

July 28~ Hay or Buck Moon – Hay is gathered to be dried and stored. and deer start growing velvety hair-covered antlers in July. Actual Full Moon Date is July 27th

August 25~ Sturgeon or Barley Moon – Sturgeon are most readily caught during this month. It was also called the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon. Persephone, virgin Goddess of rebirth, carries a sheaf of barley as a symbol of the harvest. Actual Full Moon Date is August 26th

September 22~ Corn or Harvest Moon – Harvest Moon, occurs closest to the Autumn Equinox. The chief Indian staples of corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice are now ready for gathering. Actual Full Moon Date is September 24th