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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Mountain Valley Center

Mountain Valley Center logo
Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit


Chakra Evolution can be traced from our ancestors to the present day. The first chakra to develop fully was the root chakra. This energy system lies at the base of the spine and is concerned primarily with survival on the physical plane. Early cave dwellers had to utilize this energy to simply exist in a dangerous world. A single-minded focus on physical survival, security, health, money, and even death reflects the activity of this primary energy.

As physical needs were met, social relationships began to develop. Sensuality and sexuality between two people expanded to include pleasure and gratification available from others. Societies were built on the energy of the pelvic second chakra.

Once human beings had established safety and community, the personal power of the third chakra began developing in the solar plexus area. This is a masculine power of aggressiveness, competitiveness, recognition, status, self-image and significance. Civilizations advanced and fell according to the dominating individual or ego involved. This chakra predominated through the middle of the 20th century.

The “love-ins” of the 1960’s, more than anything else, expressed the emergence of the fourth chakra, the heart. Opening of the heart chakra allows self-acceptance and generates feelings of love and caring for others as well as oneself. This feminine center balances the self-preoccupation of the lower centers and acts as a bridge to higher emotions and energies.

As we begin our journey into the 21st Century, the throat chakra has many of us literally choking! The opening of our creative abilities of self-expression is the next major lesson for many of us. This chakra of communication is seen in the growing of the Internet and World Wide Web. Instantaneous global communication challenges us to our highest levels of creativity and integration.

The brow chakra is the witness center, the joining of left and right brain wisdom and intelligence. The energies here connect us with our Higher Self and encourage the development and practical use of intuition.

Our spiritual center is located at the crown of the head and is our connection with cosmic consciousness. The energy here enables us to live in the moment, without desire. To be truly free of concerns, worries, doubts, and fears.

Chakra Evolution Exceptions

Exceptions to the rule of chakra development have occurred throughout history. Jesus, Buddha and other holy and wise men and women through the ages have demonstrated full mastery of all chakras.

In fact, we all have access to the power of our chakras at any given moment. We have all had experiences of unconditional love, a sense of oneness with the beauty of our environment, and pure joy.

Chakra Exercise

A Simple Exercise to begin enlivening your chakras uses color and sound imagery.

For a quick Tune Up watch the Solfeggio video:

Solfeggio Chakra Tune-Up

For more complete imagery, watch our 10 minute Tune Up

10 Minute Chakra Tune-Up for Body, Mind & Spirit

Finally, before going to sleep each night, take a couple of minutes to complete the following visualization.

Begin by imagining a soft glow of red at the base of your spine. Notice the quality of the color and make it bright and beautiful. Now allow this red color to expand and flow up your body, down your arms and legs, and up into your head. Continue to allow red to expand through and out your body, surrounding you in a gentle red glow.

Repeat this process using the following colors and areas: Orange in the pelvis, yellow in the solar plexus, green in the heart, blue in the throat, indigo at the brow, violet at the top of your head and white surrounding your whole being.

As you work with these colors, allow your breath to move the energy through and around you. Slow your breathing and let the colors flow and merge.

Perform this exercise nightly and notice differences in feelings, sensations, and attitudes. This is one of the first steps you can take to begin to explore and balance the chakra energies within you.

Our Purpose Now

Our purpose now is to learn how to fully utilize chakra energy for the highest good of our family, our community, the Earth, and us. This requires learning how to let go of negative emotions and conditions that disturb the flow of our energies and learning how to refine and develop these energies for consistent positive manifestation in our world.