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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Discovering the Magic of Singing Bowls A Guide to Playing Himalayan Singing Bowls

Are you intrigued by the enchanting world of Sound Healing of body and soul? These mesmerizing metal singing bowls have a rich history deeply rooted in Tibetan culture and have become a source of profound relaxation and meditation for countless practitioners. In this guide, we will explore the history, the captivating sound of these bowls, and how to play them to unlock their true potential.

History of Singing Bowls

Traditionally, Singing Bowls are meticulously handcrafted from a combination of seven different metals, each representing a celestial body – Gold (the Sun), Silver (the Moon), Mercury (Mercury), Copper (Venus), Iron (Mars), Lead (Saturn), and Tin (Jupiter). These bowls have been created in ceremonies, some possibly spanning several generations. Unfortunately, due to historical events such as the Chinese invasion of Tibet, traditional bowl making has significantly declined.

Modern versions of these bowls are usually made from a mix of 3-5 metals and are manufactured through molding, lathing, and hand-hammering techniques.

The Mesmerizing Sound of the Bowls

Singing Bowls produce a sound that is not only pure but also incredibly powerful in centering the mind and body. Interestingly, these singing bowls exhibit wave patterns that align with the alpha waves produced by the human brain, inducing deep relaxation and a sense of inner spaciousness.

How to Play Your Metal Singing Bowl

To unlock the most harmonious tones from your Singing Bowl, you must master three key factors: pressure, angle, and speed.


      1. Rest the bowl on the palm of your hand or balance it on your fingertips.

      1. Grasp the mallet in the middle with your other hand, pointing your fingertips and palm downward.

      1. “Ready” the bowl by gently tapping the mallet against its side. Then, with firm and even pressure, rub the mallet clockwise around the outer rim of the bowl. Keep the mallet perpendicular to the bowl, lock your wrist, and use a full arm motion, much like stirring a large kettle of soup. The vibrations are created by the friction between the mallet and the outer rim.

    Patience is key here. If you encounter rattling or buzzing sounds, adjust your speed (slower) and your pressure (firmer) against the rim. Playing the bowl to its fullest potential is a meditation practice in itself.

    Note: Some mallets have one end wrapped in leather to produce a deeper sound. Use the wooden end for light, clear tones, and the leather end for deeper tones.

    What to Expect

    Singing bowls produce three sets of double tones, rich in harmonics and micro-tones: a dominant base (male) tone, a dominant treble (female) tone, and an interval dominant tone created by the merging of the base and treble. With practice, the sound of your bowl can resonate for up to several minutes after you stop playing.

    It’s not uncommon to experience the sound of the bowl in your ears even hours or days after playing it, signaling an enhanced state of awareness.

    Practice with Your Bowl

    Owning a Singing Bowl opens the door to a magical realm of possibilities. There’s much to explore and experience:


        • Listen: Pay attention to the sounds and tonal qualities.

        • Feel: Sense the vibrations at different points on your body.

        • Observe: Fill the bowl with water to assist in observing the vibrations.

        • Sense: Be attuned to what’s happening in your body, mind, and spirit.

      In Conclusion

      Singing Bowls, with their rich history and captivating sound, offer a unique path to relaxation and meditation. Playing these bowls is not just an art; it’s a journey within. As you explore the enchanting world of these singing bowls, you’ll find a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be uncovered.

      So, take your time, embrace the process, and embark on your own magical journey with Singing Bowls.

      For more information and to explore our selection of Singing Bowls, visit our website here.

      Mountain Valley Jill playing hand hammered singing bowl

      Your journey with Singing Bowls begins now.

      This post is written and published by Jill Henry, a passionate advocate for mindfulness and holistic well-being and author of Well-Being offered by Llewellyn Publishers. For more insights and resources on mindfulness practices, visit our blog.

      (Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and informational purposes only. Consult with a qualified practitioner or expert for personalized guidance in your meditation and healing journey.)