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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit
Greet each New Day by charging your water with static cling Water Blessings labels: Create your Day, Follow your Bliss, Go with the Flow, Do your Best, Attitude of Gratitude, Feel the Joy

Encoding Water with Water Blessing Labels

On Sunday March 19th I was attending my bimonthly zoom study group and the discussion was about water. Bev, our leader reminded us that energy (chi) is always moving, always undulating at the subatomic, atomic, molecular, cellular levels and on up. She reminded us that this energy field is capable of being encoded with every thought we think. The quantum filed is coded by our human consciousness. That reminded me that::

Words Matter

Words can change lives.

Words of encouragement advance life, discouraging, negative words retract life.

Words can change water.

In 1999 Masaru Emoto (1943 –2014) published Messages from Water, followed by Hidden Messages in Water in 2001. Dr Emoto experimented by exposing water in glasses to various words, pictures, or music, then freezing it and examining the ice crystals’ properties with microscopic photography. Different words had different effects in water, demonstrating that our words and thoughts have frequency. Even further, a study in 2015 on the structural memory of water demonstrated that water retains information. So I can use water to deliver frequency to my cells that will allow and attract my highest good to me. Dr. Emoto said it better – that beautiful words create beautiful nature, ugly words create ugly nature.

The entire human body is around 60 percent water. Our bones are composed of 22 percent water, muscles are 76 percent and blood is 83 percent. Lungs are 90 percent, and our brains are actually 95 percent water. (source Hydration – June 2020 on the

It’s that simple. Write a beautiful word; love, peace, joy, health, wellness and so forth and attach the word to the outside of a glass of water. When you drink the water you are sending that frequency into the cells of your body.

In the Zoom meeting we encoded each other’s water at a distance after assessing its quality and what our partner needed. And that started me remembering that years ago I carried in the store and on the web Water Blessing Labels. I found the same person I bought them from way back when – she’s my age now and still doing her service. I’ve ordered 16 different sheets of reusable clear, static cling labels to start off spring right. labels that will adhere to most smooth surfaces. The labels are 2 1/2″ x 1″ and fit on most glasses and bottles. They are also used on mirrors, candles, computers, windows, shower doors, cellphones, and pet dishes. 

All the design sheets may be seen at in our new Water Blessings catalog. They include:

A New Day, Body Love, Morning Corree Mantras, Wise Woman, I AM Awake, Rays of Change, Good Vibes, Change your Energy, Dream Big, Deep Peace, Divine Feminine, New Beginnings, Reiki Spirit, Peaceful Healing, Cash Flow and Growing Money. Each design sheet has 6 or 8 static cling blessings and sell for $5.95 and $9.95 respectively

The Earth Bag Pavilion/Faerie House at the Labyrinth Park.

To say it is slowly being built is an understatement. I’m open to all avenues of completion, yet I know that perfect timing is in Higher Hands than mine. I remain open to allowing it to be complete. As you read this do see it completed also. All energy toward it is great!We are starting to complete the work of the Pavilion under the supervision of George.

The goal of this Pavilion is to provide a natural meeting space for community to talk and share and heal together. Sitting on earth inside earth is a special energy that I truly hope will be completed to the point of sharing. 

Please take a few minutes to go to GoFundMe and read more.  

If you want to learn about cobbing and can volunteer for the final “Plastering” of the walls, give Jill a call at 828-369-5698


Otto Labyrint Park Event Pavilion
Well-Being book by Jill Henry - meditation, chakras, energy, feng shui

Well-Being by Jill Henry, EdD. 

Discover over 50 ways to tune your energy using meditation, chakras, 5 elements, feng shui, and core beliefs. Each section details benefits and instructions. The fundamental book for anyone starting to explore the path of body-mind-spirit and a detailed reference book for the experienced practitioner. Books purchased at:…/well-being-by…/ are signed by author Dr. Jill Henry, owner of Mountain Valley and the Otto Labyrinth Park since 1998 in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. Purchase softback or Kindle version on Amazon at…/dp/B09RK4DS2Y/ref=sr_1_1… 

May you be Well, May you Be Peaceful and at Ease, May you be Happy

EBI – Energy Body Integrations

aka Distant Treating, Distant Healing

The highest healing does not occur at the conscious level. The conscious level only interferes. It’s when we “go away” during a session that the healing occurs. When the client’s mind gets out of the way, the chatter of the conscious mind stops and brain frequency shifts.  A deep connection of healing occurs between the client’s Inner Wisdom and the Love and Light of the Universe.

Click here to read more or learn how to make an appointment.

Distant healing, energy body integrations