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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Labyrinth Gifts - It is Solved by Walking

Choose among our many Labyrinth Gifts to assist you in your quest for peace and well-being!

It is solved by Walking! 

Finger Labyrinths, Stone Labyrinths, Pewter Labyrinths, Labyrinth Jewelry at at Mountain Valley Center Spiritual Shop Metaphysical Store Labyrinth Park Otto, NC

Walking a labyrinth, or tracing the pattern with your fingers, brings a deep sense of peace and harmony. Labyrinth Gifts include stones, pewter plates, jewelry, tokens and more in our spiritual shop.

The Labyrinth is a symbol of the spiritual journey to the center. It’s the outward sign of an inner pilgrimage. Originally found in ancient Crete, the Labyrinth symbol has appeared in many cultures including Cornwall in the UK, the Hopi Indians, European Cathedrals and in modern days they are used in Churches, Hospitals, and Spiritual Centers. Walking a labyrinth, or tracing the pattern with your fingers, brings a deep sense of peace and harmony. Perhaps it is because you must focus on one step at a time, trusting that the journey will always lead to your Center, even when it appears you are traveling in the opposite direction.

Walk a path with your fingers using the miniature labyrinths below or walk through our Outdoor Labyrinth at the Otto Labyrinth Park! We hope you will find the perfect gift from our collection to assist you in your own journey to peace and happiness. Have fun, relax, and Enjoy!

NOTE: At this time all the Pewter Labyrinth products I have are what I have in-stock below as single quantities apparently due to a change in product line from the manufacturers.

Visit the Otto Labyrinth Park and Find out More about Labyrinths!

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