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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Tuning Forks

  • Otto Tuning Fork 128hztuning fork with weighted head for body work
    Tuning Forks

    Otto Tuner

    Otto Tuner, tuned to Earth frequency of 128 Hz. Use directly on the body to help align your physical structure by creating grounding resonance with bones and nerves while and releasing tension from the body. The frequency helps relieve muscle tension, spasms, pain, and improves circulation by relaxing constricting muscle tissue and increasing blood flow.

    $75.00 Add to cart
  • Tuning Forks

    The MOSES CODE Tuning Forks™ from Jonathan Goldman

    The MOSES CODE Tuning Forks™ from Jonathan Goldman

    $64.00 Read more
  • crystal tuner tuning fork
    Tuning Forks

    Crystal Tuner

    Small Crystal Tuner Tuning fork, 4096 cycles per second. We include a free small quartz tuning crystal with every purchase of the Crystal tuner!

    $38.00 Add to cart
  • sound healing and values visualization by dr john beaulieu
    Tuning Forks

    Sound Healing with Values Visualization

    In this current and anticipated sequel Dr. Beaulieu emphasizes the role of consciousness / self-awareness in creating and cementing the therapeutic effects of sound healing practices. The essential task of sound healing practices consists of “creating a healing intention for sound”. Step by step protocols and guided meditations that you can immediately use are presented for yourself, family, and friends, as well as for healing arts professionals.

    $21.95 Add to cart
  • Calendula CD
    Tuning Forks

    Calendula: CD by John Beaulieu

    Read Polarity, the Five Elements and You to learn more about balancing Earth- root chakra, Water- pelvic chakra, Fire-   solar plexus chakra, Air- heart chakra and Ether – throat chakra Elements.

    $19.95 Add to cart
  • human tuning - sound healing with tuning forks book
    Tuning Forks

    Human Tuning

    Sound Healing with Tuning Forks by John Beaulieu

    $19.95 Add to cart

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