blessing labells
Water Blessing Labels
Morning Coffee Water Blessing Label
Morning Coffee static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of I AM statements of happy, strong, kind, healthy, positive, prosperous, peaceful, grateful.
Water Blessing Labels
New Beginnings Water Blessing Labels
New Beginnings static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of Forgiveness, Enough Time, Begin Again, Wellness, Breathe, Release, Love is All, Abundance.
Water Blessing Labels
Rays of Change Water Blessing Labels
Rays of Change static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of Light, Healthy, Wealthy, Love, Happy, Woke. Positive, I AM, Be, Live, Stay.
Water Blessing Labels
Peaceful Healing Water Blessing Labels
Peaceful Healing static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of Serentiy, Acceptance, Nurturance, Self Love, Patience, Courage.
Water Blessing Labels
Wise Woman Water Blessing Labels
Wise Woman static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of radiance, vibrant health, ageless beauty. boundless energy, joyful movement, ease and comfort.