Mountain Valley Center

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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Chakra Centers Quick Reference Chart – 7 Centers of Power

This at a glance chart tells you all the basics of working with the 7 chakras, including each chakra’s color, location, goals, issues, anatomical and emotional connections angles and more. Learn how to benefit from this ever present energy in your life.


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8.5 x 11 inch color laminated Chakra Centers charts.

The Chakra Energy Centers Chart explains the interrelationship between Prana – the life force energy – and the subtle body of a human. Includes names and symbols; prime functions; divine principles; physical, anatomical and emotional properties; vibration and frequency, etc. These Small Charts are ideal for instant reference for the experienced practitioner or beginner alike.

Quickly find details about each major chakra:  root chakra, pelvic chakra, sacral chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, brow chakra, crown chakra

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