Tuning Forks
Healing Frequencies and Vibrations
Sound alters our biochemistry and enhances all energy therapy practices. Individuals use Tuning Forks to relieve everyday stress, as an aid to mental clarity, to enhance yoga and meditation, and as a pain management tool. Recent research also indicates that tuning forks spike nitric oxide, causing our cells to rhythmically puff, which is a universal source of health and well-being. Doctors, psychotherapists, massage therapists and energy practitioners use Tuning Forks to generally enhance all phases of their work as they provide direct experience of truly healing frequencies for body, mind and spirit
Tuning forks by John Beaulieu, BioSonic Repatterning, and Sound Healer Jonathan Goldman
See our Tuning Fork selection below from recognized Sound Healers!
Showing 1–12 of 18 resultsSorted by price: high to low
Tuning Forks
Solar Harmonic Spectrum™
Solar Harmonic Spectrum, A complete set of 8 Tuning Forks with velvet pouch.
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Tuning Forks
Set of 4 LEMURIAN TUNING FORKS from Jonathan Goldman
Set of 4 LEMURIAN TUNING FORKS from Jonathan Goldman 4 precision tuned Lemurian Tuning Forks™ with Healing Sounds Tuning Fork Resonator, 20 page instruction manual and Plush four pocket carrying pouch
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Tuning Forks
Sacred Ratio Vibro Tuners Kit
Our bodies are like musical instruments that can be tuned with sound. Specific low frequency sounds (LFS) can resonate us on a cellular level. This phenomenon is known as VibroAcoustics. These two tuning forks were designed for this purpose. They manifest a sacred ratio which creates the most powerful sonic energy of any tuning fork combination. Known as the “perfect fifth”, this sacred ratio was first discovered by the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras who believed it was the most consonant, harmonious and healing interval.. For millennia, it has been known to calm and balance our body, brain and spirit and elevate our consciousness. Numerous spiritual traditions have found the Sacred Ratio to be particularly therapeutic and transformational.
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Tuning Forks
Gaia Frequency Body Tuners
Included with these tuning forks is a manual with information on the creation and use of the Body Tuners as well as a Healing Sounds Tuning Fork Resonator.
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Tuning Forks
THE PINEAL ACTIVATOR™ KIT from Jonathan Goldman includes – Gold color Pineal ActivatorTuning Fork, Pineal Activator Healing Sounds Resonator, 16 page instruction manual, Gold mesh Pineal Activator Bag
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Tuning Forks
Intention Enhancer Tuning Fork Kit – 432 Hz and 528 Hz
Experience a new level of sound healing when you hold these tuning forks of 432 Hz and 528 Hz together up to your ears. When the note A is tuned to 432 Hz, a softer and more organic music is created. 528 Hz is considered the frequency of Love Energy. Combine these two frequencies and your world may open up to Love!
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Tuning Forks
Pythagorean Perfect Fifth Tuning Forks from Jonathan Goldman
Pythagorean Perfect Fifth Tuning Forks by Jonathan Goldman includes one “C- 256 cps” and one “G-384 cps” tuning fork with velvet pouch
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Tuning Forks
GAIA FREQUENCY BRAIN TUNERS from Jonathan Goldman includes two tuning forks with a manual with information on the creation and use of the Brain Tuners as well as a Healing Sounds Tuning Fork Resonator, velvet pouch and golden mesh bag
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Tuning Forks
DNA Phi Ratio Tuning Forks Kit from Jonathan Goldman
DNA Phi Ratio Tuning Forks Kit from Jonathan Goldman – includes – Two precision tuned DNA Phi Ratio Tuning Forks, instructions and Plush velvet two pocket carrying pouch
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Tuning Forks
Angel Tuners
Angel Tuners – Set of Three, 3 3/4 inches long tuning forks with the frequencies of 4096, 4160 Hz and 4225 Hz.
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Tuning Forks
OM Tuner
Use for Eternal frequency 136.1 Hz Om Tuning Fork by John Beaulieu to treat stress and nervous conditions or to assist with meditation. It’s been found that hyperactive children calm down significantly if allowed to just “play” with the Om tuner after showing them how to tap it) Approx 8 inches long
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Tuning Forks
Otto Tuner
Otto Tuner, tuned to Earth frequency of 128 Hz. Use directly on the body to help align your physical structure by creating grounding resonance with bones and nerves while and releasing tension from the body. The frequency helps relieve muscle tension, spasms, pain, and improves circulation by relaxing constricting muscle tissue and increasing blood flow.
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