Mountain Valley Center

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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Gaia Frequency Body Tuners

Included with these tuning forks is a manual with information on the creation and use of the Body Tuners as well as a Healing Sounds Tuning Fork Resonator.


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Gaia Frequency BODY TUNERS

Created by Healing Sounds Pioneer Jonathan Goldman, the Gaia Frequency BODY TUNERS use the scientific principle of beat frequencies to create entrainment with the 7.83 Hz. Schumann Resonance–the frequency of the electromagnetic field of the Earth–what we call the “Gaia Matrix“. Both visionary scientists and mystics believe that resonance with this extraordinary field enables attunement with the energy of our Mother Earth, expanding consciousness and bringing healing.

Now you may simply and easily bring this Gaia Frequency resonance into your own lifeThe Gaia Frequency BODY TUNERS are both peaceful & potent. Through the beat frequencies of the BODY TUNERS it is also possible to enhance connection with the planetary field, allowing you to experience what may well be one of the most powerful and natural vibrations for healing and transformation!

The Gaia Frequency BODY TUNERS have been specifically designed
to be used directly on the physical body!

Experience them now to:

  • Help harmonize & rejuvenate the body’s physical structure
  • Emit the Schumann Resonance frequency directly into the physical body 
  • Restore balance to bone, nerves, lymph and body tissue, bathing them with the natural healing frequencies of the Schumann Resonance.
  • Stimulate the nerves and vibrate the body with deep grounding earth tones
  • Facilitate the release of tension from the body, bringing a sense of deep relaxation and calming peace
  • Work with acupuncture, acupressure, and other healing points associated with various body therapies
  • Relax, align, and restore health

Connect & Resonate with the field of the Gaia Matrix with these
Sacred Sounds for Modern Times 

Included with these tuning forks is a manual with information on the creation and use of the Body Tuners as well as a Healing Sounds Tuning Fork Resonator.

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