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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Intention Enhancer Tuning Fork Kit – 432 Hz and 528 Hz

Experience a new level of sound healing when you hold these tuning forks of 432 Hz and 528 Hz together up to your ears. When the note A is tuned to 432 Hz, a softer and more organic music is created. 528 Hz is considered the frequency of Love Energy. Combine these two frequencies and your world may open up to Love!


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When the note A is tuned to 432 Hz, a softer and more organic music is created. 528 Hz is considered the frequency of Love Energy. Combine these two frequencies and the world may open up to Love!

432 Hz and 528 Hz The mystique of these two frequencies has captured the imagination of many music lovers and healing arts practitioners. These two tones come from very different schools of thought, yet when considered together they form an extraordinary harmony and quantum acoustic alchemy.

What if the true secret purpose of these unique frequencies is to be sounded together?  What if they have manifested on this planet in order to help unify and evolve our consciousness on both a personal and planetary level?

Created by Healing Sounds Pioneer Jonathan Goldman, the 432 Hz/528 Hz INTENTION ENHANCERS utilize two special frequencies not normally combined as tuning forks. Each of these frequencies is said to possess unique attributes. When they are sounded together the power of these tuning fork frequencies is exponentially enhanced. The 432 Hz/528 Hz INTENTION ENHANCER Tuning Fork Kit includes a booklet with detailed information on their creation, properties, and uses.

The potential benefits of these tuning forks include:  

  • Grounding & nourishment to the body, mind & spirit
  • A balanced and calming feeling
  • Clearing and removal of negative energy
  • An accelerated evolution of consciousness
  • Enhanced and amplified intention
  • Manifestation of a state of Oneness
  • An opening of the heart to higher realms of being
The 432 Hz / 528 Hz Intention Enhancer Tuning Forks Kit™ includes:
  • Two precision tuned 432 Hz/528 Hz INTENTION ENHANCER™ tuning forks
  • Healing Sounds Tuning Fork Resonator
  • 16 page instruction manual
  • Plush velvet two pocket carrying pouch  

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