Mountain Valley Center

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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Large Wood painted Sitting Buddha

Large Wood painted Sitting Buddha – wood statue,  15 inches wide, 24 inches tall, 8 inches deep and weighs approx. 10 pounds.


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Large Wood painted Sitting Buddha

Buddha is shown here sitting with his right leg resting on his left (virasana) and his right pointing towards Mother Earth, symbolizing his victory over the last obstacle to peace – the desires of the ego. His left hand is resting in his lap as a gesture of contemplation. Dressed in monk’s robe, his right shoulder and arm are bare. Elongated earlobes reflect his royal origins and the ushnisa symbol of wisdom sits atop his head.

This old, hand carved Buddha has some cracks in the wood indicating it’s advanced age. The Buddha is 15″ wide, 24″ tall, 8″ deep and weighs approx. 10#.
