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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Love Amulet (Unconditional)

Wear this Love Amulet (unconditional) when feeling a lack of love in your heart using Rose quartz, Amethyst and Clear Quartz.  Handmade, natural gemstone pendants by Seed of Light. Approx 1 to 1.5″ long and .5″ wide and come with satin black cord and a story card.



When ROSE QUARTZ and AMETHYST are used together, the direction of energy is transformed into awakened consciousness to self-love. When worn, the wearer will initiate a time of nurturing and forgiveness, reprogramming the heart to love oneself. CLEAR QUARTZ deflects negativity and enhances positive changes in the wearer.Planetary Influence: Venus and Neptune Chakras: 4th and 6th.
