Sun and Moon Merkaba Star Set with Pouch
Sunstone and Moonstone Merkabas – Day & Night, Light & Dark, Inward & Outward. The Perfect pair for Meditation and Flow! Set includes one of each gemstone in 2.5 by 2 inch pouch with story cards.
Sunstone is used to dissipate fearfulness, to alleviate stress, and to in-crease vitality. Used in center of medicine wheel to connect with the spiritual golden white healing light of the sun. Cleanses and brightens chakras.
Moonstone contains the energy of balancing, introspection and reflection. A stone for hoping and wishing and cleansing. Once called the ‘traveler’s stone’ it was carried as a talisman for good fortune.
MERKABA Mer means Light, Ka means Spirit Ba means Body
Merkaba..also spelled Merkabah…is the divine light vehicle used by the Masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. The Mer-Ka-ba is the vehicle of Light mentioned in the Bible by Ezekiel. Mer-Ka-Ba means the Spirit/Body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of Light (wheels within wheels), which is a vehicle to transport Spirit/Body from one dimension into another.
The crystal is shaped in 2 star tetrahedrons. We all have a merkaba field around us. One just has to activate it to connect with the higher dimensions. To deepen your meditation and balance your energy, hold a merkaba in your hand during meditation.
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