Mountain Valley Center

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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Tree of Life Pendulum Board

Made from Mapel plywood and painted black, this 4 inch pendulum board is sure to answer your questions. We tested it out and it’s perfect with its Yes, No, Maybe and Repharase answers!

A must have if you work with pendulums!


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4 inch painted Mapel pendulum board

Instructions for Using your Pendulum with a Board

  1. Gently hold the pendulum over the board and ask your question.
  2. The pendulum will begin to move towards a pair of words on the board. Either yes, no,maybe or rephrase.
  3. Gently follow up with questions.
  4. Pendulums are a way for you to talk with You to receive mental/emotional/spiritual insights.