LABYRINTHS: The universal mystical meaning of the labyrinth form is as a symbol for the journey into the world of spirit and the return, a leaving of one state and a rebirth into another.
Labyrinths have been associated with ancient pilgrimage routes and rituals of self-discovery. They were worn as a form of protection and ornamentation and were often carved on doorways to bless a dwelling.
Labyrinths are time windows, portals where time stands still. They confirm our unity with the cosmos, awaken our vital force, and elevate our consciousness. They are known to facilitate altered states of consciousness and have parallels with reincarnation, initiation, prosperity, and fertility rites.
The Classical Seven-path Labyrinth resonates with the vibration of “seven” and has a direct correlation with the primary Chakras, Tones in the scale, and colors of the rainbow. It is believed that the action of “dancing” a labyrinth magically activates its inherit powers!
The Labyrinth is equated with the brain, and many cultures believe that the Labyrinth could cure illness. The action of moving through the Labyrinth produces a sense of well-being and balance through a type of vestibular stimulation, accessing both left and right hemispheres of the brain.
For more information about Labyrinths visit our Labyrinth Park!