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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Star Rhythms – July 2023

We begin July still swimming in the powerful shifts initiated at June’s New Moon followed by the Solstice Equinox activation portal a few days later. What sea changes are you being called to in your life? Continue to tune into your dream of a transformed future, no matter how tenuous, for you are being powerfully supported to grow towards your highest self as this month unfolds.

There are 3 key elements we can call on to help us with this process of unfolding. First, Venus and Mars continue to dance close to each other all month, making their closest approach of the entire cycle on July 1, when they will be only 3 ½ degrees apart, visible low in the west just after sunset. Communing in the royal sign of Leo, they are reminding us to honor our unique, inner creative essence, both feminine and masculine, as we unfold the New World we all desire from a place of self-love and true power within.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3rd, squaring off with wounded healer Chiron in warrior Aries, invites us to honestly acknowledge the violence we may have done towards others and ourselves in the past through lack of compassion, or being too zealously attached to our own ideas of right and wrong. It is time to grant true forgiveness, for others and for ourselves.

Communicator Mercury, wandering far beyond its normal boundaries for a few short weeks, is right there next to the nurturing Cancer sun at the full moon, bringing us messages of forgiveness from worlds beyond. This is a collective as well as personal opportunity, as Chiron in Aries is hanging out within one degree of the US natal Chiron position.

On the day of the New Moon in Cancer on July 17, the north node of the moon, pointing the way to our brightest future, is moving into Aries after hanging out in Taurus for a couple of years. Time to birth new ideas and inspiration, and to become leaders in whatever way feels right for us as we collectively shift the essence of Cancer from insular nurturing of family or tribe into something more global. Humanity is a family and this beautiful world our beloved home.

Remember to be inspired by the signs of the new being birthed, as we continue to negotiate these turbulent times.



Silvianne K. Delmars
P.O. Box 144
Otto, NC 28763

Star Rhythms – June 2023

June beckons us to delve into an unfolding of our truest, most magical, wildest selves – do you feel the initiation calling? As the month begins, Jupiter is illuminating the future destiny path for humanity, and it’s all about transforming our relationship to intimacy – with the Earth, with each other, and with our own souls in yummy, sensuous, grounded ways.

As further inspiration for this journey, Venus and Mars are dancing closely together in the western evening sky all month and well into July. This particular sky pattern featuring the masculine and feminine archetypal planets only happens every six years or so and this time around it’s showing up in the fiery, super-creative sign of royal Leo. Be sure to tune in whenever you are blessed with clear skies. This is a powerful opportunity to activate our own inner Sacred Marriage – the magical alchemy of the divine beings we each came to be, grounded in radical self love.

As the Sun enters Cancer on June 21st, marking the Summer Solstice, it will be rising and setting as far north as it gets all year. This is a 3-day timing when the Sun appears to “standstill” on the horizon. The powerful energies are enhanced by the sliver of the new moon which will pass Venus and then Mars in the evening sky just behind the setting Solstice sun. The third eye of intuitive knowing is being highlighted this month in the larger Venus Journey – and this initiation portal beckons us to explore our own inner truth. The information that awaits will guide us through the continuing transformations of this year and beyond.

Silvianne K. Delmars


P.O. Box 144

Otto, NC 28763

Star Rhythms – May 2023

We enter this month smack dab in the middle of a transformative 2-week eclipse portal that began with the Solar Eclipse New Moon on April 20 and reaches its finale with the Penumbral Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 5th. Even though the eclipse may not be visible from where you sit on Earth, the energies are happening everywhere! Pay attention to dreams and signs – any place you might receive messages from the deeper, truer magical realm that underlies our daily existence, as eclipse portals are powerful times for seeding new personal and collective realities.

This Scorpio full moon, occurring within one hour of the Beltane cross-quarter, sets the tone for celestial messages that repeat and reverberate throughout the month. Each one of us is being lovingly beckoned to explore new pathways for enjoying the amazing, potentially joyful experience of actually being in a body. This is an experience to be savored in the now moment, not only for our own sake, but as part of humanity’s larger mission for this coming year, as Jupiter enters it’s year-long, once in 12-year jaunt through sensual, earthy Taurus on May 16th.

Remember, communicator Mercury is spending the first half of this month going back over old ground in earthy Taurus as well, before turning direct again on May 14, to begin a whole new 120 day cycle. With this timing, what we feel, experience, and communicate in our bodies can be much more important than airy thoughts and words.

The realm of emotions and feelings is also highlighted this month, with structured Saturn exploring its new journey into the cosmic heart of Pisces, lots of timings involving dreamy Neptune in Pisces, and Venus and Mars both spending time in nurturing Cancer. Do your best to carve out time to honor and explore what’s truly coming up for you, without judgment, which will help to sort out the deeper feelings so they don’t ambush you unexpectedly, especially in your relationships. And don’t forget to look for the beautiful monthly meeting between Venus and the Moon in the evening sky around the 22nd to 24th of May as Venus in Cancer activates our ability to voice our intuitive, loving insights at the 5th/6th chakra gate.

As the old reality continues to deconstruct it is fundamentally important that we plant the seeds of the New World to come in deep gratitude for the Earth that supports us and the amazing mammalian, carbon-based bodies that our souls chose to partner with on this unique earth-walk. Remember to be kind, especially to yourself, as we continue to navigate this time of unprecedented cosmic transformation.

Silvianne K. Delmars


P.O. Box 144

Otto, NC 28763

Star Rhythms – April, 2023


We are at the crux of an unprecedented period of extreme change and volatility. All major planets continue in an unusually long period of direct motion (that started in mid-January and ends on April 21 when Mercury goes retrograde). We feel the energy of new projects, a new dawn calling to us. This month is a balancing act between moving towards that new, never-before-seen future, supporting it with small but important first steps, while also showing up for here and now responsibilities, and clearing the old projects to make way for the new.


The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 19, with expansive Jupiter and healer Chiron, squaring shadow magnet Pluto, acts as a powerful reminder that the current cosmic rhythms are definitely not about wasting our energy in supporting old ways of being. We are seeding a whole new reality,  individually and collectively. It takes time for large changes to manifest, so don’t be discouraged if you feel you are not accomplishing enough. First steps are important, for if we set the right foundation the rest will follow naturally. Our job is to feed this impetus towards new beginnings with grounded, everyday actions. Going outside to greet the dawn, basking in the everyday miracle of a fresh start, is a great way to honor this transformative energy.


Evening star Venus, bright in the east just after sunset, activating the heart chakra portal all month, is reminding us to drop into our hearts to ensure that the new vision longing to unfold is seeded not from our ego-minds, but from our true soul’s desires. 

Silvianne K. Delmars


P.O. Box 144

Otto, NC 28763

Star Rhythms – February 2023

We begin the month with a fiery, creative Full Moon in Leo on the 5th. With lots of Uranian experimentation-and-sudden-change vibes alongside, expect the unexpected! This Leo moon is here to remind us that the collective Aquarian vision we keep hearing about everywhere must include Leo’s talent for individual creativity and autonomy to remain in balance. Healthy self-love and a sense of what truly brings you joy is vitally important as we unfold into this year of profound change.

There is an increased sense of momentum as we ride the wave of an unusually long period with all planets moving forward (lasting until Mercury goes retrograde in mid-April). This can have its downside, however, so proceed with caution. Remind yourself to think with the heart and not the head to avoid feeling brittle and over-extended. Although there is a pervasive sense of urgency in the air, we are in this for the long haul. There is always time to stop and breathe.

The importance of remaining present to our feelings is highlighted as we lead up to the New Moon at the very first degree of Pisces on the 20th, and the Sun enters this watery sign just a few days before. The shadow of Pisces is illusion and deception. Its highest expression is ecstatic union with the Divine. The potential to experience either or both is strong right now. Our best bet is to hold steady to the intent to choose love over fear in every moment – and to practice radical compassion for ourselves and others as we navigate these perilous times.

Silvianne K. Delmars


P.O. Box 144

Otto, NC 28763