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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Chakra Jewelry

Unique Designs, Authentic Gemstones, Quality Sterling Silver Chakra Jewelry offers Healing and Well Being to all with these wonderful pendants.

Chakra Jewelry is jewelry that contains chakra stones. Chakra stones are gemstones that have the frequency to resonate with 7 different energy systems in the body.  For example, the Root chakra governs Grounding and is represented by garnet in our chakra jewelry by Esprit Creations.  Click here for more detailed explanations of stones that may be used in each Chakra.

Chakra Gemstone Jewelry, with colored gemstones representing each chakra, in sterling silver. Earrings, pendants, necklaces, and other types of jewelry

Chakra Jewelry contains gemstones that represent each of the seven chakras. These chakra gemstones have frequencies that resonate with the seven different energy systems in the body.  For example, the Root chakra governs Grounding and is represented by garnet in our chakra jewelry. For more detailed information on the chakras and the body’s energy systems, see our blog pages here.

We looked for years at different Chakra Pendant designs until we found Elaine Sheth and Esprit Creations.

All our sterling silver Chakra jewelry is made with high quality natural gemstones. Many of these unique designs are exclusive to Esprit Creations and all the designs in this series have the following chakra stones: Root Chakra – garnet, Pelvic Chakra – carnelian, Solar Plexus Chakra – citrine, Heart Chakra – peridot, Throat Chakra – blue topaz, Brow Chakra – iolite, and Crown Chakra – amethyst. (Occasional gemstone substitution is normal subject to availability of stones)

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