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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

Well Being Services at the Otto Labyrinth Park Welcome Center

Services in the Welcome Station at the Otto Labyrinth Park


Stop in Wed—Saturday afternoons to receive Free Instruction in Mindfulness Meditation from Dr. Jill.

By On Site Call 828-369-5698 to make an Appointment for a service below.

  • REIKI Level 1 Certification with Jill US/UI REIKI Master – no charge. Donations to Labyrinth Park and Pavilion Build acceped. 
  • Human Design Consultation with Victoria – $40/00
  • Frequency Device DNA repair +
    Administered by Rev. Jill Henry by appointment one day in advance. Jill will program the discs to dial into your specific concerns, from pain to organ function, to general well being and all in-between. In addition, a portion of each session will be devoted to a frequency designed to repair your body’s stem cells. Sit and relax or lie down on an amethyst biomat during your 50 minute session, fully clothed in a private room. Suggested donation is $45.00
  • Readings—$45.00
  • Past Life Regressions—$55.00
  • Polarity Therapy with Victoria – $65.00
  • Energy treatments from a foundation of  Polarity Therapy and Craniosacral Therapies. $65.00
  • Astrology Readings with Silvianne Delmars, Certified Shamanic Astrologer and Priestess $ 120


Afternoons at the Otto Park Welcome Center 1-4 pm Come by and meet the practitioners!

Wednesdays 1-4 pm

Shamanic Astrology with Silvianne Delmars, Certified Shamanic Astrologer and Priestess.

Offering an intro mini astro reading (half hour only) for $35. Full astrology readings (by prior appt. only) are $122 for 90 minutes. Update readings (for prior clients – 1 hour) are $77.Silvianne shamanic astrologer

Fridays 1-4 pm

Reiki Energy with Carol Christa

Renew and Refresh Body, Mind and Spirit with Carol Christa and Reiki Energy. 20 minute energy boost, $20, 50 minute Full Reiki Session $65

Carol Crista studied at NY University school of nursing with Dr. Dolores Krieger, creator of Therapeutic Touch. Carol is certified in DNA re-programing and has worked with sacred geometry and frequencies.  Carol now lives in Clayton by way of Chicago, Houston and Tucson! She is offering Reiki as her main modality and is at home in the beautiful mountains of NE Georgia. Carol Christa Reiki Practitoner and DNA

Thursdays 1-4 pm

Get to Know your Human Design with Victoria 

Are you living in alignment with your energetic make-up? Do you frequently feel in flow with the universe, or is it common for you to meet resistance? Human design is an intricate personality analysis system that shows the roadmap to living in alignment with your soul’s chosen path. Based on the I’ching, a 3,000 year old Chinese divination system, it highlights our unique strengths and talents, and shows us how to best utilize our energy. It can help you better understand your relationships, connect with the right career and bring more overall joy to your life! Victoria is excited to offer mini-readings on Thursdays at the Mountain Valley Center! Explore your energy type in a 15-minute consultation for $25

Tori teaches human design

As an old friend of mine, Barrie Konicov would say, Greetings and Welcome!

I’m Dr. Jill, owner and CEO of Mountain Valley Center and the Otto Labyinth Park. Over the years I’ve picked up some tools that are helpful in establishing Well-Being. Here is a one page resume from me.  Dr. Jill Henry – Qualifications

The two major Services I currently provide are Polarity Therapy at the Otto Labyrinth Park and Energy Body Integrations remotely.

On Thursdays at the Center I’m providing a frequency experience combining pulsed laser and pulsed PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic frequencies). The benefits of this gentle light current are under research. Come experience yourself, especially in the area of reduction of pain and inflammation. 

JIll Newman Henry

As an old friend of mine, Barrie Konicov would say, Greetings and Welcome!

I’m Dr. Jill, owner and CEO of Mountain Valley Center and the Otto Labyinth Park. Over the years I’ve picked up some tools that are helpful in establishing Well-Being. Here is a one page resume from me.  Dr. Jill Henry – Qualifications

The two major Services I currently provide are Polarity Therapy at the Otto Labyrinth Park and Energy Body Integrations remotely.

I also provide readings and regressions during the week. 

JIll Newman Henry

Here some additional links to services I am familiar with and you may find of benefit.

  • First and Foremost, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency Devices) designed by our local physician, Dr. A.B. Flick in Clayton, GA. Visit his website at: or experience the frequencies for yourself at:  Wellness PEMF
    156 North Main Street
    Clayton, GA 30525

  • Shamanic Hypnosis Rev. Dr. Betsie H. Poinsett, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist – Publicist Past Life Regressions – Weddings – Relationship Issues Indigo Children – House/Business Blessings – Healings

  • Movement Educators conduct Feldenkrais®Professional Training Programs. They also organize other Feldenkrais®-based programs with an intensive approach. These intensive programs appeal to a large variety of people who are interested in improving their movement skills including people with neuromotor difficulties (i.e. cerebral palsy & strokes), chronic pain, injuries as well as musicians, actors, dancers, athletes and martial artists.

  • Alexander Technique The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique- a comprehensive source of information about this century-old method of learning how to release harmful tension from your body