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Metaphysical Quick Reference Charts

Group of metaphysical quick reference charts

Metaphysical Quick Reference Charts

Whether you are a beginner just learning, or an experienced teacher or practitioner, these 8.5 x 11 inch, color, double sided reference chartsgive you all the information you need at a glance. Choose from Oracles charts (tarot, numerology, runes, astrology, magic), Meditation (mantras, mudras, kabala), and Energy Work (crystals, chakras, feng shui, reflexology, reiki, polarity).

What Is Metaphysical?

Meta is beyond. Metaphysical is the study and practice of skills beyond the physical, including exploration of the powers of the mind and spirit for well-being.

What Are Oracles?

Oracles are tools to connect the small, egoic mind with the larger, broader consciousness of the Higher Self of Soul. When used appropriately these tools unveil a potential future if all aspects of one’s life remain the same. However, by consulting an oracle you have gained the insight to change your future. View runes, tarot, oracle decks.

What Is Meditation?

Meditation involves turning one’s consciousness inward in exploration of the depths of one’s being for the purpose of bringing more ease and well-being into your life and the life of others.

What Is Energy Work?

Energy work explores the frequency connections between mind, body and spirit, using tools such as crystals, reiki, reflexology, chakras, color and sounds.

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