Mantras Quick Reference Chart – the Power of Sound to Heal
The mantra chants on this laminated chart direct ancient vibratory sound frequencies to body and soul parts that need a boost in healing and spirituality. Learn how to chant yourself into health and happiness with this quick reference guide.
8.5 x 11 inch color, laminated 2-sided Mantras quick reference chart.
Since ancient times, the yogis of India know that not only the body is receptive to sound, but also that it is formed and sustained by vibratory frequencies (mantras). The simple mantras (from the Sanskrit “manas” meaning “thought” or “conscience”, and “tra”, “what protects”) are phonemes, sound units, of the Sanskrit mantric alphabet. They are used at the highest levels of tantra and raja yoga and protect from the constant mental flow of thoughts, fears, apprehensions, illusions… Practiced with assiduity, the intonation of mantras activates the psychic energies. This chart explains the use of the mantric alphabet and illustrates the zones of resonance for healing of the body and energetic dynamization.
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