water blessing labels
Water Blessing Labels
REIKI Spirit Water Blessing Labels
12 REIKI symbols. If not REIKI trained I do suggest you find a teacher who can guide you through the attunements to this special energy before using them.
Water Blessing Labels
Deep Peace Water Blessing Labelst
Deep Peace static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of Love, Gratitude, Peace, Stillness, Bliss, Wisdom, Trust and Humor.
Water Blessing Labels
Good Vibes Water Blessing Labels
Good Vibes static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of 100% good vibes, expect miracles, no worries, we are made of stars, celebrate each day, yes!,you are the gift, make a new choice. My favorite Collection!
Water Blessing Labels
Growing Money Water Blessing Labels
Growing Money static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of Expect Abundance, New Money Visoin, Unlimited Possibilities, Financial Freedom, Forgive the Past, Infinite Wealth, Money Magnet, Plenty to Share.
Water Blessing Labels
I AM Awake Water Blessing Label
I AM Awake static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of I AM statements of Enough, Bliss, Fearless, Beauty, Truth, Love, Well and Strong.
Water Blessing Labels
Morning Coffee Water Blessing Label
Morning Coffee static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of I AM statements of happy, strong, kind, healthy, positive, prosperous, peaceful, grateful.
Water Blessing Labels
New Beginnings Water Blessing Labels
New Beginnings static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of Forgiveness, Enough Time, Begin Again, Wellness, Breathe, Release, Love is All, Abundance.
Water Blessing Labels
Rays of Change Water Blessing Labels
Rays of Change static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of Light, Healthy, Wealthy, Love, Happy, Woke. Positive, I AM, Be, Live, Stay.
Water Blessing Labels
A New Day Water Blessing Labels
A New Day static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of Create your Day, Follow your Bliss, Go with the Flow, Do your Best, Attitude of Gratitude, Feel the Joy
Water Blessing Labels
Body Love Water Blessing Labels
Love your Body static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of fresh start, mindful eating, radiance, vibrant health, ageless beauty, boundless energy.
Water Blessing Labels
Cash Flow Water Blessing Labels
Cash Flow static cling Water Blessing Labels charge your water to the frequencies of Expect Abundance, New Money Vision, Unlimited Possibilities, Financial Freedom, Forgive the Past, Infinite Wealth
Water Blessing Labels
Change your Energy Water Blessing Labels
Change your Energy static cling Water Blessings labels charge water with Love, Gratitude, Peace, Stillness, Bliss, Wisdom, Trust and Humor.