BOOK OF RUNES: 25th Anniversary Edition
Ralph Blum’s classic interpretation of this ancient oracle: For this 25th anniversary edition, Blum has expanded and refined the runic system adding a new introduction and additional commentary on the system.
BOOK OF RUNES: 25th Anniversary Edition (includes hardcover book, 25 ceramic rune stones & drawstring bag)
Based on a tradition over a thousand years old, the Runes are embraced by many as a remarkable oracular aid for practical decision-making. Ralph Blum’s classic interpretation of this ancient oracle has sold over 900,000 copies since its original publication in 1983. For this 25th anniversary edition, Blum has expanded and refined the runic system, making it one of the most profoundly useful self-help tools of the new century. He has also added a new introduction and additional commentary on the system.
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