Certified Facilitator of Adult Learning – My Corporate Life!
CFAL is a train the trainer course I designed when I was a corporate trainer. Teaching is my passion, whether it’s metahysics or how to write behavioral objectives. I love teaching teachers how to teach!
CFAL is a Train the Trainer course designed for everyone who teaches anything to just about anyone.
This online course provides you with tools you will use in both developing courses and in discovering the root causes of poor performance requiring additional training.
- At your own pace and in your own time and with the assistance of an expert mentor you will learn how to:
- Approach adults as active learners,
- Analyze behaviors to determine the root causes of performance problems.
- Identify the sequence of events necessary to accomplish a task.
- Write behavioral objectives.
- Integrate content and objectives to design active learning experiences.
- Ask questions that facilitate adult learning retention.
- Evaluate learning outcomes.
Once completed, you will receive a framed certificate stating that you are a Certified Facilitator of Adult Learning.

Well-Being by Jill Henry, EdD.
Discover over 50 ways to tune your energy using meditation, chakras, 5 elements, feng shui, and core beliefs. Each section details benefits and instructions. The fundamental book for anyone starting to explore the path of body-mind-spirit and a detailed reference book for the experienced practitioner. Books purchased at:
https://www.mountainvalleycenter.com/…/well-being-by…/ are signed by author Dr. Jill Henry, owner of Mountain Valley Center.com and the Otto Labyrinth Park since 1998 in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. Purchase softback or Kindle version on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Well…/dp/B09RK4DS2Y/ref=sr_1_1…
May you be Well, May you Be Peaceful and at Ease, May you be Happy
EBI – Energy Body Integrations
aka Distant Treating, Distant Healing
The highest healing does not occur at the conscious level. The conscious level only interferes. It’s when we “go away” during a session that the healing occurs. When the client’s mind gets out of the way, the chatter of the conscious mind stops and brain frequency shifts. A deep connection of healing occurs between the client’s Inner Wisdom and the Love and Light of the Universe.
Click here to read more or learn how to make an appointment.