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Healing Sounds of the Creative Cycle

Creative Cycle Healing Sounds

Button Pushing Think for a moment about what pushes your buttons. What causes you immediate fear, worry or doubt? What causes your immediate reaction to be anger, resentment or guilt? These are unconscious emotions from the past that are applied to today, our reactions (re-action=acting again the same way as we did in the past).  Beyond button pushing there may […]

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Certified facilitator of adult learning online course

Become a Certified Facilitator of Adult Learning

Certified Facilitator of Adult Learning – My Corporate Life! CFAL is a train the trainer course I designed when I was a corporate trainer. Teaching is my passion, whether it’s metahysics or how to write behavioral objectives. I love teaching teachers how to teach! CFAL is a Train the Trainer course designed for everyone who teaches anything to just about

Become a Certified Facilitator of Adult Learning Read More »

Earth Bag Pavilion Build at the Otto Labyrinth Park

Completion of the Earth Bag Pavilion and Vision for the Future at the Otto Labyrinth Park

The Earth Bag Pavilion/Faerie House at the Labyrinth Park. To say it is slowly being built is an understatement. The faeries are doing an excellent job at upgrading the pavilion, teaching us to truly listen to their needs and teaching us a bit of patience along the way. And it has been truly deligtful to merege with that intelligence.   I

Completion of the Earth Bag Pavilion and Vision for the Future at the Otto Labyrinth Park Read More »