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Labyrinth Park & One Stop Shop for Body, Mind & Spirit

November, 2017 – Food for Thought

rainbow in trees gidNew Old Car, New Old Website

I have been driving the same car for 14 years – a little sporty girl I called Amy.  For the past year, Amy has had an increasing number of repairs – you know the story – when your car begins to cost as much as the payments for a newer model. In addition, I was beginning to be concerned about driving her out of town in case she would need more work.  We have also had the same website since 1998 and the “back end” – all the coding, has had to have an increasing number of “repairs” as the internet codes change and develop.

This week we have reached two goals – new car and new website!  Or rather, a new “pre-owned” car and a new website that looks the same as the old one – only better! Before I talk about the website, I need to share a story about the new car. I admit that I was sad to drive my Amy (car) to the dealer to trade in. “We” talked the whole way there, me telling her how much I loved her and her telling me that she understood. Before I drove off in my new car I took the prayer bead from Amy’s rear view mirror and placed it around the rear view mirror of the new car. That night, before I went to sleep, I did some distance viewing to say good night to Amy sitting in the dealer’s car lot. The car was there, but not the essence of “Amy”. It was just a car. I then “viewed” the new car sitting in our carport and Amy said “Hi – I’m home! I just followed the prayer bead. Do you like my new body?” Clever girl that Amy.  Her essence is definitely in the new car! Whether you believe that cars have an energy essence doesn’t matter as much as the feeling that she is going forward with me on my Path. No regrets and Amy is a Happy Girl in her new, reliable body!

Now, about the website.  You will still reach it at The pages are still in the same order, the colors are the same, but there is a new sparkle to the site. The coding (the stuff you never see) is cleaned up. I’ve created more videos and soon will have a video at the top of each major page describing what ‘s on the page. (check out the new Labyrinth video below). And we finally have a Blog section, where we can share information with each other!
Find  “A Healing Place” blog category.  Click “continue reading” or “Read More” This post is short – just a few words, Charlie’s Zen in Water video, and a comment section. When you visit,  play the video and send Energy and Prayers to everyone in the comments section. Then add your own first name and the first name of anyone else into the comments Section to receive Energy and Prayers. All comments will be made using your FaceBook login to protect you from having to submit an email.  You will have the option to comment only on the page or to share the page with your FaceBook friends. It’s a way to connect in the Healing Energies of the Universe and to give to and receive from each other! Click Here to go to the Blog and Add your Name and Join our Energy/Prayer Circle!

As you explore the new site, let us know how you like it. If something doesn’t work, let us know. If you really like something, let us know and we will do more of it!

Thank you so much for being a part of our world all these years!
Jill and Charlie