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Metaphysical Blogs from Mountain Valley Center

What is metaphysical?

Meta is beyond. Metaphysical is the study and practice of skills beyond the physical, including exploration of the powers of the mind and spirit for well-being.

Our blogs are dedicated to the promotion of well being through both physical and metaphysical modalities.

Coventry Creation Candles

New Selection of  Coventry Creation Candles Coventry Creation Candles are special scented candles for all occasions. Deep in ritual and Magick, they provide special energy, healing, and manifestation. Perfect to light as the nights grow long! Shop Now!

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What is the Throat Chakra Energy System?

THE THROAT CHAKRA REPRESENTS THE EMOTIONAL POWER OF EXPRESSION QUALITIES The THROAT chakra is in the front and back of the throat area, its tip seats into the third cervical vertebrae. Called the Vishuddhi (pure) chakra, it represents the emotional power of expression. This area is the key to giving and receiving and to speaking our truth. Our actions become

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What is the Sacral Chakra Energy System?

THE SACRAL CHAKRA AND OUR RELATIONSHIPS QUALITIES The SACRAL chakra is located just above the pubic bone on the front and back of the body. Its tip goes into the center of the sacrum. Called the Svadisthana (vital force) chakra, it represents optimism, self-confidence, enthusiasm and courage. The social ray of service to mankind resides here. This area is the

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What is the Crown Chakra?

THE CROWN CHAKRA – THE KEY TO SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT QUALITIES The CROWN chakra is located on the top of the head, with its tip seating into the middle of the top of the head. Called the Sahasrara (thousand) chakra, it represents the experience of direct knowing. This area is the key to spiritual enlightenment. Included in its blessings are healing

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What is the Heart Chakra Energy System?

THE HEART CHAKRA IS THE KEY TO LOVE AND HEALING QUALITIES The HEART chakra surrounds the area of the physical heart. Called the Anahata (unbeaten) chakra, it represents the emotional power of love. This area is the key to balance, harmony, peacemaking, hope, growth, healing and love. Our actions become motivated by the quality of unconditional love, acceptance of self

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Chakra Energy System Overview

OVERVIEW AND EVOLUTION OF THE CHAKRAS Chakra Evolution can be traced from our ancestors to the present day. The first chakra to develop fully was the root chakra. This energy system lies at the base of the spine and is concerned primarily with survival on the physical plane. Early cave dwellers had to utilize this energy to simply exist in

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What is the Root Chakra Energy System?

THE ROOT CHAKRA PROVIDES THE ENERGY TO MEET OUR BASIC NEEDS QUALITIES The ROOT chakra is located between the legs, its tip seating into the sacral-coccyx joint at the bottom of the tailbone. Called the Muladhara (support) chakra, it represents life, strength, power and vitality. The energy to meet our basic needs resides here. This area is the key to

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Research shows meditation is Good for Your Health!

Research shows meditation is Good for Your Health! A five year study of medical insurance utilization compared 2,000 regular meditators with 600,000 members of the same insurance carrier. The meditation group had 53.3% fewer inpatient admissions per 1000 and 44.4% fewer outpatient visits per 1000. When comparing admissions per 1000, the meditators were lower than the norm for 17 major

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Deepening the Practice of Mindfulness Meditation

Deepening the Practice of Mindfulness Jill N. Henry. Ed.D. In “The Practice of Mindfulness” I described a simple 5 minute breathing exercise to understand your mind and thoughts. In this article we will take the practice one step further. Why Practice Mindfulness Meditation? In the Katha Upanishad (400-300 B.C.) the essential Self is described as the chariot owner, the body

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