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Metaphysical Blogs from Mountain Valley Center

What is metaphysical?

Meta is beyond. Metaphysical is the study and practice of skills beyond the physical, including exploration of the powers of the mind and spirit for well-being.

Our blogs are dedicated to the promotion of well being through both physical and metaphysical modalities.

Mountain Valley Touching Earth

Paradigms – Mind, Body and Frequency

Paradigms – Mind, Body, and Frequency “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” Albert Einstein  In February we began an exploration of Paradigms – Belief systems upon which a society is organized.  This month we’ll take a look at Belief

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good vibes

Changing Paradigms and the Body

BELIEF CURRENT The body is composed of clumps of matter separated from one another in time and space. EMERGING In their essential state, our bodies are composed of synchronized vibrations of energy and information, not solid matter. If I believe entirely that there is nothing beyond a physical matter that composes the body, then I must treat all illness and

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Become a Certified Facilitator of Adult Learning

Learn How to Teach, What you Teach. Dr. Jill Henry provides one on one feedback as you learn the skills to develop your in person or on-line training course. Without the Knowledge, Skills and Mindsets, in person and online training become nothing more than show and tell. Create or expand upon a course you teach, ensuring your Adult Learners gain the skills they need from your

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family blessing

The Gentle Art of Blessing

The Gentle Art of Blessing Being Spiritual in the Everyday World / By Jill Henry In this current time of strife we all need to remember to Bless more. Thank you Pierre for sharing this with us so many years ago! The Gentle Art of Blessing by Pierre Pradervand On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good

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abstract flowers

The Metaphysics of Well Being in the New Age

Using the subtleties of thought and expression to learn our Life Lessons by Jill N.Henry, EdD The New Age is an awareness that issues repeat in your life until they have been resolved on a metaphysical level first, and then a resolution on the physical level is experienced. The dictionary defines metaphysical as “relating to the transcendent or supersensible, marked

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Balance Your Ayurvedic Doshas

The cornerstone of Polarity Balancing lies in the 6000 year old system of Ayurveda (Ayu=life, Veda = Study). Use this survey to determine your current areas of imbalance by counting all the items in each column that apply to you right now. Total your scores. (You may want to print this page out in order to keep track of your

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The Meaning of Well Being

Well Being means different things to different people. For some, financial well being is most important; for others, physically being well; and still others desire well being in relationships and family affairs. Freedom is important to well being – freedom from fear, worry, and anger. Freedom to pursue your dreams and mission in life. At Mountain Valley Center, we provide

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Research shows meditation is Good for Your Health!

A five year study of medical insurance utilization compared 2,000 regular meditators with 600,000 members of the same insurance carrier. The meditation group had 53.3% fewer inpatient admissions per 1000 and 44.4% fewer outpatient visits per 1000. When comparing admissions per 1000, the meditators were lower than the norm for 17 major medical treatment categories including: 55.4% lower for benign

Research shows meditation is Good for Your Health! Read More »

Feng shui Crystals

Feng Shui for Well Being

Feng Shui for Well Being The Energy of Wind and Water FENG SHUI FOR WELL BEING Feng shui (pronounced fung shway) is the idea of living in harmony and balance with our environment and dates back over 7000 years. It is the study of energy (Chi) and how it’s circulation affects people. The circulation of this invisible energy can be

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Feng Shui Baqua Map guide to Feng Shui gifts for space clearing and energizing

Feng Shui Basics – Free Guide and Baqua Map

The Energy of Wind and Water Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) literally means wind and water. Water represents the physical, manifest world while wind represents the inner world of energy that interacts with the outer. External Feng Shui is about arranging our environment, our homes and businesses to open to the energy (Chi) of Prosperity and Success. Internal Feng Shui

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Holding Space in the World

Holding Space

“I wish it need not have happened in my time” said Frodo. “So do I”, said Gandalf, “and so all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us” J.R,R. Tolkien I find myself during this time of the

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